Genetically Modified Organisms

Over the past several years, the conversation about Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) has intensified. Increasingly consumers question if foods contain GMOs and whether they're safe for their bodies and the environment. While the debate may be confusing, one fact is not: After many (many) conversations with consumers, retailers and farmers, we know they want to have a choice about GMOs. Now they do.

We're delighted to announce the launch of our new Non-GMO Project Verified line. For years, we've worked with our farmers to find a consistent source of non-GMO feed. This was no easy task. The majority of corn and soy – two key components of feed – are GMO and the non-GMO options are expensive. Yet despite these challenges, we knew it could –– and should –– be done. Along with using non-GMO animal feed, we rigorously test our product ingredients and manufacturing plant to ensure they meet the Non-GMO Project Standard.

We continue to work closely with our farmers with the goal of eventually transitioning all of our products to be non-GMO. We have always believed in taking the better path – even if it's more challenging – and that's what we'll continue to do. We hope you'll join us.

We believe families should have a choice about the kind of foods they eat.